Enterprise Linux Production
VPS Server Solutions
We specialize in delivering robust and
reliable Linux server solutions for enterprises.
Our production-ready systems are designed to power critical workloads, enhance security, and optimize performance. Whether you’re running mission-critical applications, managing databases, or hosting web services, our enterprise Linux solutions have you covered.​
Why choose Enterprise Linux?
Stability and Security
Enterprise Linux distributions offer long-term support, regular updates, and rigorous security features. Your production environment remains stable and protected against vulnerabilities.​
As your business grows, our Linux solutions scale seamlessly. Whether you need to add more servers, expand storage, or handle increased traffic, we’ve got the flexibility to accommodate your needs.​
Linux eliminates licensing costs, allowing you to allocate resources efficiently. Plus, community-driven development ensures continuous improvement without hefty fees.​

Our Enterprise Linux Offerings​

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

RHEL is a leading enterprise-grade Linux platform. It’s certified on various clouds and hardware vendors, making it a versatile choice.​


Supported Architectures: RHEL runs on x86, ARM, IBM Power, IBM, and IBM LinuxONE.​ Automation and Management: Red Hat Insights analyzes while Satellite automates tasks. Migration Tools: Easy migration from other Linux distributions.​ Website: Red Hat Enterprise Linux​

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES)​

SLES is highly reliable, scalable, and secure. It’s designed for mission-critical workloads.​


Scalability: SLES handles demanding applications and adapts to changing requirements.​​
Professional Support: Commercial-grade support ensures smooth operations.​​
Website: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server​ ​

Ubuntu Server​

Ubuntu Server is popular for its ease of use and strong community support.​


LTS Releases:Long-term support versions provide stability.​
Container Support Ideal for containerized workloads.​
Website: Ubuntu Server​​


Supported Architectures: RHEL runs on x86, ARM, IBM Power, IBM, and IBM LinuxONE.​ Automation and Management: Red Hat Insights analyzes while Satellite automates tasks. Migration Tools: Easy migration from other Linux distributions.​ Website: Red Hat Enterprise Linux​


Scalability: SLES handles demanding applications and adapts to changing requirements.​​
Professional Support: Commercial-grade support ensures smooth operations.​​
Website: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server​ ​


LTS Releases:Long-term support versions provide stability.​
Container Support Ideal for containerized workloads.​
Website: Ubuntu Server​​

Contact us today
to find out more

      wE-1 Price Breakdown
      Total Price: R420.00
      wE-2 Price Breakdown
      Total Price: R530.00
      wE-3 Price Breakdown
      Total Price: R560.00
      wE-4 Price Breakdown
      Total Price: R640.00
      wE-5 Price Breakdown
      Total Price: R860.00
      wE-6 Price Breakdown
      Total Price: R1,210.00
      wE-7 Price Breakdown
      Total Price: R1,315.00
      wE-8 Price Breakdown
      Total Price: R1,505.00
      wE-9 Price Breakdown
      Total Price: R1,685.00
      wE-10 Price Breakdown
      Total Price: R2,140.00

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